卢河志,理学博士,统计学博士后,现任广州大学经济与统计学院讲师。2020年6月博士毕业于华南师范大学统计系。2018年9月至2019年3月作为联合培养博士生留学美国普渡大学统计系。2020年9月至2022年11月于广州大学从事博士后研究工作。主要研究方向为生物医学统计、机器学习。在《Statistical Methods in Medical Research》、 《TEST》、《Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference》、《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》、《International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine》和《Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods》等期刊和会议上发表SCI论文10余篇。主持中国博士后科学基金面上二等项目、广东省基础与应用基础研究基金青年基金项目和广州市科技计划一般项目各1项。
发表论文 (*:corresponding author)
1. Hezhi Lu, Hua Jin, Weixiong Zeng. A more efficient three-arm non-inferiority test based on pooled estimators of the homogeneous variance. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2018, 27(8): 2437–2446.
2. Zhining Wang, Hua Jin, Hezhi Lu, Yaolan Jin. An efficient test based on the inferential model for the non-inferiority of odds ratio in matched-pairs design. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2018, 27(9): 2831–2841.
3. Hao Yang, Hezhi Lu, Yong Liu, et al. Three-dimensional MR Elastography (MRE) can replace 2D MRE in staging liver fibrosis: Noninferiority test of the area under the ROC curve and comparison of image quality. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, Canada, June 11th-16th, 2019.
4. Hezhi Lu, Hua Jin, Zhining Wang, Chao Chen, Ying Lu. Prior-free probabilistic interval estimation for binomial proportion. TEST, 2019, 28(2): 522–542.
5. Hezhi Lu, Hua Jin. A new prediction interval for binomial random variable based on Inferential Models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2020, 205: 156–174.
6. Hezhi Lu, Fengjin Cai, Yuan Li, Xionghui Ou. Accurate interval estimation for the risk difference in an incomplete correlated 2 × 2 table: Calf immunity analysis. Plos One, 2022, 17(7): e0272007.
7. Xionghui Ou, Hezhi Lu*, Jinseng Kong. The structural properties of the Gompertz-Two-Parameter- Lindley distribution and associated inference. Open Mathematics, 2022, 20(1): 1581-1593.
8. Hezhi Lu, Hua Jin, Yuan Li, Zhining Wang. Confidence intervals for a Poisson parameter with background. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2023, 52(19): 6794-6805.
9. Zhining Wang, Hua Jin, Hezhi Lu. An IM-based efficient test for non-inferiority based on the odds ratio between two independent binomial proportions. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2023, 52(4): 1217-1236.
10. Jinseng Kong, Hua Jin, Hezhi Lu, Katherine Jin. An IM-based method for testing homogeneity of several variances against tree ordered alternative. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2023, 152: 344-354.
11. Jinseng Kong, Hezhi Lu*. Comparing the variances of several treatments with that of a control treatment: Theory and applications. Plos One, 2024, 19(1): e0296376.
12. Yuhang Xi, Hezhi Lu*, Fei Xiang. On a new transmuted three-parameter Lindley distribution and its applications. Sains Malaysiana, 2024, accepted.